Massachusetts Egress Windows, Window Wells, Window Well Covers, and Egress Ladders
In the event of a fire, it is vital to have more than one way out. Redi-Exit, a proud supplier of Redi-Exit Fire Egress Systems, provides egress windows and egress window wells to homes, apartments, and businesses to ensure that individuals and families are safe from being trapped during a smoke or fire emergency. Our company recognizes the requirements of the International Residential Code (IRC) and maintains those standards in all of our products. Both our merchandise and our expertise will help to instill in you a new sense of safety.
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Egress Windows
Redi-Exit proudly manufactures egress windows and egress window wells to assure an alternative way out of any building if a commonly used exit is blocked during an emergency. Our

windows are easy to use at any age as they can be opened with the push of a simple release knob. They also all meet IRC dimension requirements. The clear opening is at least 20 inches wide by 24 inches high, with a minimum net clear opening of 5.7 square feet, or 5 square feet for ground floor windows. The window sills are no more than 44 inches above the floor, with 42 inches as the target height.
Our egress window styles include the following:
Standard Double Hunt Window: Our cost-effective base model, which requires large sizes to meet IRC standards
Casement Outswing Window: The perfect easy-to-use option for wide windows and window wells
Standard 48″ Sliding Basement Window: Sturdy option for 3 1/4″ jamb depth
Egress 48″ Sliding Basement Window: Meets Energy Star requirements and comes with a 10-year warranty
Single Hung In-swing Window: Dual function option, perfect for compact window wells
Casement In-swing Window: Our smallest option to fit IRC requirements, which comes with a 20-year warranty
Egress Window Wells
Egress window wells also function as emergency exits. They are used to hold back the soil around basement windows while allowing natural light and ventilation into the basement. We supply our egress window wells in sturdy materials such as galvanized steel, fiberglass, polyethylene plastic, and vinyl. Like our egress windows, they all meet IRC dimension requirements. Our window wells have both a horizontal projection and vertical width of 36 inches minimum, for a minimum surface area of 9 square feet. Our ladders, which are required for window wells over 44 inches deep, encroach into the well up to a 6 inch maximum. Ladder rungs are no more than 18 inches apart, are at least 12 inches wide, and project away from the wall between 3 and 6 inches.
Some of our popular window well products are as follows:
Economy Series
Compact Economy Series
Designer Series
Deluxe Compact Series
Garden Step
Custom Egress Windows and Well Covers

Redi-Exit offers customized products for your building that meet international and state requirements, as well as personal preferences and specifications. We can custom-size egress windows for widths up to 60 inches and heights up to 76 inches. Our selection of wells ranges in heights from 9 to 98 inches high and widths from 36 inches to 16 feet wide. Our wells can reach depths as far as 94 inches. We are also the only egress system supplier offering compact single hung in-swing and casement in-swing styles. Our sturdy windows are guaranteed to last at least 10 years.
Accessories for Egress Windows and Well Covers
The accessories we carry for egress windows include hanging egress well ladders and well cover clips to keep well covers in place.
Egress Code Requirements for the State of Massachusetts
The IRC states that finished basements and bedrooms must have two ways out, namely the typical basement steps to the first-floor exit and an egress window or door in the case of an emergency. This ensures that occupants can safely escape and that emergency response teams can enter. In addition to following the IRC, Massachusetts establishments must meet the requirements of the “Massachusetts State Building Code CMR 780 3603.10.4.”
Egress Window Requirements for Massachusetts
Massachusetts requires that the opening of an egress window must be at least 20 inches wide by 24 inches high with a minimum net clear opening of 5.7 square feet, or 5 square feet for ground floor windows. The sill height must be no more than 44 inches above the floor, with 42 inches being the target height. In order to satisfy the egress requirements of Massachusetts, all window openings must comply with local building codes.
Egress Window Well Requirements for Massachusetts
In addition to the window requirements, egress window wells in Massachusetts must meet certain criteria as well. The steps of a ladder cannot be more than 18 inches apart and 12 inches wide, and the ladder must project away from the wall by at least 3 inches and no more than 6 inches. The well must have a minimum surface area of 9 square feet, with at least 36 inches of horizontal projection and vertical width. It should also be kept free from obstructions so that anyone in the space can easily climb out without any difficulty.
What is a Basement Egress Windows and Window Well?
Basement egress windows are a type of special window specifically designed for use in basement areas. They must meet certain safety and size requirements including specific openings so that people can safely exit the space. This type of window is often paired with an egress window well, which is a structure built around the window to help keep it secure and provide a way for people to access the window in an emergency. The egress window well must also meet certain criteria, including specific ladder requirements and a minimum surface area requirement of 9 square feet.
At Redi-Exit, we offer an array of egress windows and wells designed to meet all Massachusetts state building codes and regulations. From Economy Series to Deluxe Compact Series, Garden Step, and Custom options, we have the perfect egress window solution for you. Contact us today to learn more about our products and how they can help keep your space safe and secure.
Thanks for choosing Redi-Exit! We look forward to working with you!
If I Need an Egress Window Will you Ship it to Massachusetts?
Yes we do! We offer free shipping on all our egress window products. All of our windows and wells are shipped fully assembled, ready for installation. You can rest assured knowing that you are getting a quality product with fast and reliable delivery. Contact us today to learn more about our shipping options and how we can help you get the egress window solution you need.
Are Massachusetts Egress Window Requirements Different by Location?
In most cases, yes. It’s important to check with your local building codes and regulations before purchasing an egress window or well for Massachusetts. Depending on the location, the size requirements may differ slightly from the state minimums. In addition, there may be additional requirements for certain counties or towns that are not included in the general state building code.
If you are unsure about the requirements for your specific location, please contact us and we will be more than happy to help you. We have a team of experienced professionals who can answer any questions you may have about our egress window solutions and provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision.
How Do Massachusetts Egress Window Requirements Differ from Other States?
The egress window requirements in Massachusetts are not drastically different from the requirements of other states. However, there may be local variations on certain building codes that differ from state to state. As always, it’s a good idea to contact your local building code department for more information about the specific regulations for your area. At Redi-Exit, we are always available to answer any questions you may have about the egress window requirements in Massachusetts. Thanks for choosing Redi-Exit! We look forward to working with you!
Are Egress Windows and Window Wells Required for All Basements in Massachusetts?
No, not necessarily. While most basements do require an egress window or window well, there are some exceptions. For example, if the space is intended for storage only and will not be used as a living space, then it may not need to meet the requirements for an egress window. In addition, certain areas of Massachusetts may have specific regulations that allow for exceptions or variations on the egress window requirements.
How much value does an egress window add?
Adding an egress window to your basement can significantly increase the value of your home. Not only do they provide a way to escape in case of an emergency, but they also add natural light and ventilation, making the space more comfortable and livable. In addition, having an egress window may make it easier for you to get permits or approval for any future renovations. According to the National Association of Realtors, adding a bedroom with an egress window can increase the value of your home by up to 20%. With Redi-Exit, you can trust that you are getting quality products that meet all Massachusetts building codes and regulations, so you can rest assured that your investment is safe and secure.
Does a basement need two exits Massachusetts?
Yes, according to the Massachusetts Building Code, basements must have two separate means of egress. This is designed for safety reasons in case one of the exits becomes blocked or unusable. In some cases, a window well can serve as an additional means of escape if necessary. Redi-Exit provides a variety of window wells and egress window solutions that meet all Massachusetts building code requirements, so you can trust that your investment is safe and secure. Contact us today to learn more about our egress window solutions and how we can help you get the perfect solution for your home. Thanks for choosing Redi-Exit! We look forward to working with you!
Is a Basement Window For a Already Finished Basement?
Yes, it is possible to install an egress window or window well in an already finished basement. Depending on the location of your basement and the other factors such as footing depth and soil type, you may need to make certain modifications in order to meet the requirements for a safe and secure installation. Redi-Exit has a team of experienced professionals who can answer any questions you may have about installing an egress window in your already finished basement, and provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision. Thanks for choosing Redi-Exit! We look forward to working with you!